Tuesday, September 21, 2010


They called late yesterday afternoon to say that I have 2 embryos out of the 3 eggs they retrieved on Sunday. The RE wanted to do the transfer today. Which would make it a 2 day transfer instead of the 3 day as planned. So we arrived today at 12 noon for the transfer. We soon found out from the doctor that we have only one embryo out of the 2 that made it to transfer. The one that made it is of good quality. It has 4 cells which is the usual number for day two and has no fragments. The ultrasound tech gave us a copy of the picture to take with us. I really have mixed emotions about the whole thing but I am trying to remain positive. Everything is out of our hands now so all we can do is wait the long two week wait. In the mean time I am going to try to stay busy. We will find out our results a few days before we are due to leave for our week long vacation/honeymoon in P-town so hopefully we will get good news. If not we will definitely need some time away to re-group and support one another. Keeping our fingers crossed and trying to stay positive.


  1. Sorry it didn't turn out better for you, but sending good sticky vibes for your two week wait!!

  2. Fingers, toes, and everything crossed for you. Wishing you the best of luck! Hoping to see a BFP from you in a couple of weeks!

  3. Scary times indeed! I'll be rooting for your precious little embryo to stick!!

  4. lots of good sticky thoughts coming your way!

  5. Everyone keeps telling me it only takes one, so I'll say the same to you. I'm sorry it was all so stressful but glad you're keeping positive. And we'll all be rooting for you with everything we've got!

  6. I am keeping everything crossed for you! I hope the next 2 weeks fly by! :)

  7. Sending lots of emby sticking vibes your way.
