Tuesday, November 10, 2009

fall leaves

This past weekend we spent Saturday cleaning all the leaves that have fallen this season. And being that our yard is surrounded by trees it was a lot. I kept thinking about what a chore it is each year to clean up all the leaves and how much I dread doing it. Then I started to remember how as a kid fall cleanup was something we always looked forward to. My brother, sister, and I would each arm ourselves with a rake and big black trash bags. We would then start raking from the outside in until we had a huge pile of leaves made. Then the fun would begin. We would start from far back and run and jump into the leaf pile. We would do this over and over again until our parents would come out and tell us to get back to work. Although it was work it never really felt like work. We always had such a great time. I cant wait till we have a little one to make huge leaf piles for so they too can enjoy fall clean up.

We had a busy Sunday also. We went to church, food shopping and then off to see Cats at the palace theater. It was a great show.

Today I went for my u/s and lab work. I had 2 mature follicles one on the right 21cm and one on the left 18cm. I had 2 immature follicles one 16 and one 12. I am bummed that I did not have more. I thought for sure that I would have more this time since I had lots of pressure. I will do a hcg trigger tomorrow night then number 7 IUI on Thursday morning. Hopefully this is the one. It would be such as nice birthday present to find out that I am pregnant.


  1. I hope all goes well with lucky 7! The follicle count doesn't sound bad, that 16 could always catch up. I hope you get a BFP for your birthday!

  2. thanks gayby rabies for the support and for being the first to comment on my blog. I started this blog to have support from others going through the same as I am. I read your blog and I know you are going through some difficult times also. Good luck to you with Ivf process. Hang in there.

  3. Say, when's your b-day? Sounds like we're close together-- mine's 11/17!

  4. Its 12/14. My tww will be up around the 25th of Nov.
